I just realised
that there is so much
to life that we don't watch
don't even look at
we don't even smile
we don't even cry
we don't know what people mean
because we don't realise the worth
of relationships,of people
of hugs,of kisses
of getting hurt,of standing up again
of love,of reading
of separation,of togetherness
OH..this world
such a vast place
oh this life
such a turmoil
but yes of emotions
of life itself
of people,of happiness
of tears,of love
we say and we complain
about our strife and
our pain
what we don't look at
is the other one
who looks at life and
thrives with it anyway
with the troubles
and the pains,with
all the stakes
all the tragedies
and that fate
has to offer
i smile o life
today i smile :)
even for tomorrow's tear
because i know I'll cry
into the wind
and the breeze would
take it away
i will smile
and it would pass on too
what will remain
is a memory
which i will cherish
smile or cry
i will but
i will learn to thrive
without a complain
without a pain
to my mind and my soul
and i will learn to live.....