realities are made possible. When words can form, when dreams can take a flight, when miracles can happen. This blog and its content comes from a place within me which is one such miracle.. I hope you will like my work and it'll help you smile. :) Welcome..

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

How i wish..this line is understood..nd lived by people..every problem will end......

Childhood is one phase when we are clear of all that ruins us..its then when this fragrance matters so much! how i wish this innocence..could be what we sustain in ourselves..and also something that we look for in others and help it grow..instead of calling old age the second childhood how i wish we don't have anything that separates us from this beautiful state..!

Wish i could be that perfect..but this imperfection helps me grow even "better"!!

My Silence

The silence that provokes

the outcry of thoughts

The silence that speaks

my unspoken mind

the silence that describes

the presence of a lonesome heart

the silence that defines

the happiness caught in

the words that deny

the words that refuse

to shell out the silence voices them

gives them speech

gives them sound

gives them sound

gives them a way to come out

though its refusal

that ushers in silence

its refusal to be wat i am

its refusal to be with a pure heart

its the refusal to shut the noise in my mind

its the refusal to stay calm and quiet

its when i refuse and deny

its when i let every emotion pass by...

The moment...

I let my emotions stay

and revel in them

I let them manifest

and let them swell

it's all that's coming in

and i let it grow

it shows and prospers

in every moment spent.. :)