..that realities are made possible. When words can form, when dreams can take a flight, when miracles can happen. This blog and its content comes from a place within me which is one such miracle.. I hope you will like my work and it'll help you smile. :) Welcome..
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Sunday, 29 July 2012
The 'S' in Sufi..
He bowled me over
Not withstanding
the shackles of
the reckless mind
I gave myself totally
fell into the profundity
and never came back
His forty rules took care of me
and never let me go
encouraging me to look within
and find myself
"A good man complains of no one;
he does not look to faults", he says.
Breaking the 'I' bit by bit
my soul wants
to be engulfed
and enamored
more and more
Taking my first step
to the inward journey
towards becoming whole..
~ Dedicated to Shams of Tabriz, His words and His beautiful companionship to the greatest Sufi poet of all times - Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī popularly known as 'Rumi'.
I don't know whether I'll end up becoming a Sufi, but yes this book "The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak, definitely introduced me with the 'S' in the word Sufi. I from all my heart thank my friend Ankur for lending me this book and helping in opening new vistas for me. :) This book was not only a brilliant read but as my poem suggests, helps you to take that first step towards your beautiful within. And its not like the dreary books which tell to "Self Inquire".. Like its apparent, it brings out the poet in you..your most beautiful self! :')
Sunday, 15 July 2012
or how fresh
should one be
to have no vice?
Untrained for the
viciousness outside
and a nobody
in the vulture's eyes.
To become luscious
one needs to absorb
a lot more than
just goodness
cater to the
prying eyes,
push and pull
and go with the flow.
Some eventually rise
slowly and steadily up the surge
while some pay the price
just for being a novice
with no vice.
Friday, 13 July 2012
Caught in the dark
clouds and vein-like sparks
wind and rain drop marks.
the distant street, a dog, a bark.
sound of an owl, a noise so dark.
tweet of the bird, the squeak of the tire
forgotten dream in the notes of a lyre
rising smoke from a distant pyre
hem of an escaping dress caught in wire.
struggle to be free, to fulfill the hidden desire…
a street where even love can be found for hire.
love and to die, wishing for the only place left. Fire...
only the fire can set them free.
thoughts are endless, strong is the need
innocent mind now possessed with greed..
this while playing hard to get, life gets u right..Nice and sleek.
(With serious contribution from Rohan Dahiya! Author of the
blog http://le-mot-tordus.blogspot.in/)
New found love
safe. not secure within an alcove
roars and gloats
at everyone down below
and above.
Total mess and a rage
behind bars its been
now out in the open
finally out of the cage.
Its wild and its murderous.
Out to slay everything
that bars its way.
Always been incredulous.
Its the urge to be loved
and to express..
All this while.. years and eons
not anymore will it suppress.
A mad attempt to thwart
all rules and notions
breaking free of labels
learning the flying art.
Stripping off all that's old
with the new found love
holding hands & dissolving
discovering the lot
which was left unexplored.
which was left unexplored.
Sunday, 8 July 2012
a triple lane highway
A friend made
along the way
Oblivious to the
broken asphalt
a talk about forever dreams.
A thick sheer of clouds
heralding the onset of rain
the wind seems to be answering
billowing through the hair
leaving behind a whiff of scented air
a sign of the lurid drizzle by all means.
As the end of the road
meets with the downpour
the head falls back
as the drops caress
the contours of my face
carving curves as they slide off
ready for another chase.
I take it all in
as I stand there
looking at the heavens
above around and within
so perfect so impeccable
how it untarnishes every thought
and every particle it leavens.
Barely afloat
Half drowned
the leaf that's brown
withered and shriveled
once hanging above like a crown
sways and falls
plop on the water..
the feeling of the cool
bobbing away in the pool.
A drop falls from above
and it takes further down
the leaf that's brown
More drops, and
down falls the rain
sprouting more leaves
buds at first
waiting for the harsh winds
to finally turn brown
and fall down at last.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Nocturnal tear
When the moon shines bright
in the night sky
when the stars twinkle and
when the breeze passes by,
I sit out and look at the other world
so far and yet so nearby.
The star that falls down
the Venus that stands so shy
brings me on too, to
the night and its joy.
The hooting of owls
The moon shines and
the star sparkles
the sky droops down
and my world it does pry
The night shines
in my eyes too
as it mirrors itself
in the tear that trickles down
and I cry.
in the night sky
when the stars twinkle and
when the breeze passes by,
I sit out and look at the other world
so far and yet so nearby.
The star that falls down
the Venus that stands so shy
brings me on too, to
the night and its joy.
The hooting of owls
The moon shines and
the star sparkles
the sky droops down
and my world it does pry
The night shines
in my eyes too
as it mirrors itself
in the tear that trickles down
and I cry.
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Whirring past my ear
making the conspicuous sepulchral sound
whizzing about
creating a halo of dust
round and around.
The vision gets blurred
and finally obscures
the strength to judge
and perception
becomes impure.
Running around in circles
realizing its all mental chatter,
falling down an abyss
I realize, that's where
lies the epicentre.
Summer Rain
Not the smell of the earth,
Not the silent trickle,
The rain brings with it
the open and free mind
full of dreams and
their gentle tinkle.
Sometimes heralded
sometimes broken.
A fresh new start
or a dead end,
A raging fury
or joy. Splendid.
Complicated as the summer rain,
emotions get notched in.
Mingled with wrath there's
a bubbling happiness.
Sometimes expressed
sometimes hidden.
Not the silent trickle,
The rain brings with it
the open and free mind
full of dreams and
their gentle tinkle.
Sometimes heralded
sometimes broken.
A fresh new start
or a dead end,
A raging fury
or joy. Splendid.
Complicated as the summer rain,
emotions get notched in.
Mingled with wrath there's
a bubbling happiness.
Sometimes expressed
sometimes hidden.
Monday, 4 June 2012
Beyond the Lens
The hanging air,
and the held breath.
The perspective within
and without.
Its about the beholder
& not the beheld.
The journey from the mind
to behind the lens,
Is that of the sight
the lens.
The world above, below
and around
is a caricature of emotions.
Making sense of them and
putting them in a frame,
is a whiff of fresh air and surreal
for an artist whose reality
exists in frames.
Of make believe and real.
The capture does not bring the end
but maintains a lingering presence,
And proves that the realm Behind
is as breathtaking as the Beyond,
for the picture on the wall
was once nothing..
but a sense.
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Just when we call it the end to a day,
it comes peeping in,
the pang of guilt and self ridicule,
slick and sly.
How easy it seems to shave your head,
to slay your legs,
to recall food as a distant enemy,
and to convert to shreds.
They hold your mind and they come to stay,
to convert you to a fanatic,
how easy it seems to die,
as you realise you forgot to Pray.
it comes peeping in,
the pang of guilt and self ridicule,
slick and sly.
How easy it seems to shave your head,
to slay your legs,
to recall food as a distant enemy,
and to convert to shreds.
They hold your mind and they come to stay,
to convert you to a fanatic,
how easy it seems to die,
as you realise you forgot to Pray.
Dark Feelings
Enmeshed and entwined, hiding at the back of my mind, scared of the light and shine, its the feeling of the darkest kind.
Even at the brink of rufflingfeathers and breaking free, it wants to stay bound, hidden in the abyss of my heart, without silence or sound.
Its a confused feeling, dating back from when i started to feel, without a name of its own, its killing; killing, everything that's around.
Praised be the lord, when it does ascend to the eyes, to drop down, to finally vaporise, and then be seen nothing of, without a name of its own, it weighs heavily down..
still in the recesses of my heart, finding no escape, it wants to stay bound, without light or shine, its the feeling of the darkest kind.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
The Soldiers of Peace - Cesar Lopez
On the eve of 31st October 2011, I was itching to do something, in the coming week, different from my mundane life. And at an online portal I stumbled upon this 'Peace Concert' that was happening at India Habitat Center on the 1st Nov. There were options..difficult to choose but anyhow, I went. It was organised by the UNODC in association with the Embassy of Colombia in India. They invited this very unusual Colombian musician César Lopez to India, where he presented the escopetarra (its actually an AK-47 rifle which he has turned into a guitar) to the 'Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Smriti' in New Delhi on 31st October 2011. Later he also performed at a 'Music for Peace' concert on 1st November 2011 at the Stein Auditorium, New Delhi as part of the Delhi International Arts Festival (DIAF) 2011.
And when I say the rest is history, It'll be an understatement. Because I was downright floored. I urge you to read more about Cesar and the brilliant work that he's doing in his part of the world torn by the civil war of many years.
Lovely compositions! And what a lovely transformation - from blame and hate energy into love and music. but what touched me is the initiative, the story behind that Gun Cesar very proudly shows off. Cesar was accompanied by two more artists - one on the acoustic guitar and another on a Spanish drum (cajón - Spanish pronunciation: [kaˈxon]).
His music, some may call it amateur but I felt that he's more, much more passionate than most of the musicians today. And I don't say this for the kind of music he does, but the purpose that makes this kind of music flow. Even if the language was foreign to me, he managed to touch the chord among the non Spanish speaking audience. The emotion, the intensity of his purpose, and the melody of the artist was palpable. The words had lost their meaning in that moment. Seeing this unusual instrument was a feast by itself.
The event was exceptional in what I have attended in all these years.Cesar is yet one more example of what one man is capable of doing, if he wills, to bring about change - no matter how little. It continues to INSPIRE and FEED my own passion to give back to the community.
Thanks Cesar for being!
This is link to the video of the event (just a clip actually. not as good as the energy & emotion of the live performance but nevertheless nice). Enjoy it! -
Here are some pictures I clicked at the event -
Thoughts of you
In faint thoughts of you
I remember the candlelight
that burnt me
The moonlight
when i cried
the roads and turns
where i was dragged
The heights
from where i was pushed
The winds
which blew my hair
and my dreams away
In faint thoughts of you
I recollect the love
for the miseries
that i grew to cherish
and the 'little' sweet things
that tore me apart.
I remember the candlelight
that burnt me
The moonlight
when i cried
the roads and turns
where i was dragged
The heights
from where i was pushed
The winds
which blew my hair
and my dreams away
In faint thoughts of you
I recollect the love
for the miseries
that i grew to cherish
and the 'little' sweet things
that tore me apart.
Thursday, 19 April 2012
It rained last night..
it brought back the plight
the plight of the sight.
the plight of the sight.
Sight of the drops of rain
which settle at the leaves
and slide down to fall on my face.
I feel them & their touch
the cool reaches my heart
makes me love
my life..
They fall harder..
I step out from under the tree
with a wish to feel free.
Everything goes dry
the moment i hit a stone
& say,
"excuse me.."
The plight begins and the sight ends
when I hear..
can't u see..???
I go back
under the tree
with a wish..
a wish that I could see
the raindrops settle at the leaves
& slide down to fall
on my face
just standing under the tree....
Saturday, 14 April 2012
The book
Ruffling of pages
the thick dark book
livid content
sharp scalding words
a book
washed in history
of betrayal and war
birth and death
beginning without an end
drink it don't read
taste it don't feel
carry on don't complete
flourish it don't recede
it grows within you
and you drip
ages later
it lies on your shelf
hot and crisp
there's no end
it goes on
its a culture
a phenomenon
legend seeds from it
a world emanates from it.
Monday, 9 April 2012
It's a small world!!!!!

When the world thinks
they sleep & they rest
they seem so alive
and at their best..
as their leaves
rustle and move
the sound sounds
like "yaee..."
they seem to whisper
"At such a time when
the sun is down
and the stars shine
when i should be
deep in sleep
when the owls perched on me
they fly,
if i can be so alive..
if i can smile..
what's wrong
with you there..
who chooses this rainy night
to wipe away your falling tears..???"
"oh dear tree..
it's this night that makes me
or i feel like it
maybe i am crying
or it seems like it..!!
it's the raindrops,o generous soul
which fall & slide down
my face
they are much too many
to fall down
i am just increasing the space.!!"
When the clouds of melancholy
hover around your present
when all inspiration is lost
i see that all it takes
is trust,
in the beauty of the universe
that all you ask for
and all that u NEED
is given.
when you believe
that your reality
is not just the circumstances
its is the power
that your thoughts have
to create your NOW
they sound and seem like words
but yes they are Angels in disguise
to guide us through our pain and plight
Angels is not what we find above..
..we find them..
hover around your present
when all inspiration is lost
i see that all it takes
is trust,
in the beauty of the universe
that all you ask for
and all that u NEED
is given.
when you believe
that your reality
is not just the circumstances
its is the power
that your thoughts have
to create your NOW
they sound and seem like words
but yes they are Angels in disguise
to guide us through our pain and plight
Angels is not what we find above..
..we find them..
Friday, 6 April 2012
Voices of the night
Voices of the night
dark and sultry
resound in my head
taking the place
of the din of my mind
Just when the silence
pierces you deep
your heart turns cold, and
frost shines through your eyes
The darkness falls
casting its dense shadow
over the vast expanse of
my head and heart
The crunch
of the gravel sounds like
dreams breaking into shards
of the smallest size
The guttural sound
of the unknown bird
makes my voice choke
and vibrate
Despite the cracking fire
the pallor
of the night
takes me by surprise.
Monday, 2 April 2012
Harry Potter
Harry Potter has been a part of my life since I was 11. Today when I have turned 23, I realize how important a part it is. It can still make me cry..make me laugh..give me chills down my spine.. This series is not just mere books one reads over time.. its a phenomenon which seeps..percolates..brews..simmers within you now and for always.. Its not something that you read and get it over with.. It Lasts.
7 books 3 heroes.. actually hero is another thing.. This story is not about being a hero or counting how many it had..I felt its something about having it within.. till you realize it. Everyone says its a book to be read by children..I disagree. Its something one doesn't read. It Is. I have at many points from book1 to book7 realised that it doesn't only have a plot.. its so much so much more.. It gave me lessons to follow, memories to remember something that will stay with me. For life.
More than once the books give you words.. moments which will BE with you.. they grow with you..
This series is a legacy. Its not something you own or you read. Its something one passes on.
Here's a video made by someone as a tribute to this phenomenon. I watched it I don't know how many times. Every time wanting not to cry.. But as they say..its wishful thinking. It left me with moist eyes every. single. time.
Sunday, 1 April 2012
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