realities are made possible. When words can form, when dreams can take a flight, when miracles can happen. This blog and its content comes from a place within me which is one such miracle.. I hope you will like my work and it'll help you smile. :) Welcome..

Friday, 13 July 2012

Caught in the dark

Grumbling clouds and vein-like sparks
Whistling wind and rain drop marks.
in the distant street, a dog, a bark.
the sound of an owl, a noise so dark.
The tweet of the bird, the squeak of the tire
A forgotten dream in the notes of a lyre
the rising smoke from a distant pyre
the hem of an escaping dress caught in wire.
The struggle to be free, to fulfill the hidden desire…
On a street where even love can be found for hire.
To love and to die, wishing for the only place left. Fire...
and only the fire can set them free.
The thoughts are endless, strong is the need
an innocent mind now possessed with greed..
all this while playing hard to get, life gets u right..Nice and sleek.

(With serious contribution from Rohan Dahiya! Author of the blog http://le-mot-tordus.blogspot.in/)


  1. loved the poem. in love with the darkness and fire, I guess

  2. Thanks for reading Jaidev.. :) Credit goes to my friend too!!

  3. and.. No no.. not in love with Darkness and fire.. It just flew that way.. :)

  4. Darkness is peaceful and makes everything look better. See the night sky for one example.
    Fire just sheds enough light without being overwhelming

  5. Hmm.. I get it. Well then lets just say.. Excess of everything is bad. :)
