realities are made possible. When words can form, when dreams can take a flight, when miracles can happen. This blog and its content comes from a place within me which is one such miracle.. I hope you will like my work and it'll help you smile. :) Welcome..

Saturday 26 January 2008

Conditioning of love...

Why is love so bound by



people can slip,stumble

flip and fumble

but is it enough

to "end" one's love

to condition it so much

that it doesn't work anymore

love is not a willed emotion

it is something that generates


and shows on the face

of the souls of both

the hearts that ring

play and sing


are unexpected expectations

enough to silence

the song of the hearts..?

are they..??

why is love so conditioned??

1 comment:

  1. love is how u take it,
    its not what u put in stake wid...
    its not a fake lid,
    so it can't b bid....
    its not about ur choice,
    ur voice,poise or joys,
    its about how u can fulfill some1 else's voids....
    bring him joys,
    n let him hear ur hearts voice...
    n don forget eyes too......lol
